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- 1886
- 1353
- 449
- 532
- 887
- 1192
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- 1503
- 1009
- 543
- 1511
- 1950
- 1354
- 1698
- 470
- 250
- 1790
- 1671
- 1733
- 1362
- 1907
- 71
- 793
- 1568
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- 27
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- 1979
- 1282
- 1657
- 965
- 787
- 618
- 1833
- 1476
- 1205
- 1645
- 1394
- 1352
- 1053
- 846
- 1288
- 1040
- 550
- 1207
- 1590
- 953
- 54
- 484
- 1245
- 663
- 1959
- 40
- 1998
- 1056
- 193
- 255